
Overalls and the Whole30

Every fall for the past 3 years, I try on a pair of jean overalls and try to figure out whether I am a jean overalls person. I have never been able to pull the trigger because you just generally do not see your lawyer walking around in jean overalls. But this is a new season and it finally felt right to buy this adorable pair. I love classic, beautiful feminine silhouettes but also love to add in a few funky pieces, like overalls and a good red jumper or patterned pantsuit.

In other news, I made it to day 19 of the Whole30 and I actually feel great! If you have not heard of the Whole 30 then you are probably living under a rock. The Whole30 is certainly not new and is one of the more famous food re-set plans out there these days. On the Whole30 you eliminate all dairy, wheat, grains, sugar, beans, and alcohol for 30 days. After coming back from Italy, I felt very sluggish and heavier than when we left. I basically ate pasta and pizza and drank wine every single day for 3 months and I was feeling it! Before Italy, I generally did not eat a lot of carbs, ate tons of veggies and lean meats and fish. I have basically been a health nut my entire life so all of the Italian pasta was amazing but my body was definitely not used to it. The hardest part of the Whole30 has been not eating chocolate and having a drink every now and then! I also cannot have Dairy Queen which is killing me! I have been drinking so much tea, which is kind of boring, but life is hard sometimes. I keep reminding myself that in life there are seasons of feasting and fasting. I feasted for 3 months and now this is a short season of fasting. Nothing wrong with a little self discipline.

I had always seen people dairying their experience on the plan on instagram but it never really sparked much of my interest until I listened to an episode of Jen Hatmaker’s podcast where she interviewed the founder of the Whole30, Melissa Hartwig. Hearing Melissa talk about her experience founding the Whole30 and her passion for the plan changed everything for me. Melissa is a firecracker and basically no b-s. I immediately liked her and also loved how she knew and really appeared to care so much about public health. She really lives and breathes the Whole30. If you are at all interested in the plan definitely check out the website and her instagram. I definitely won’t do it forever, because it makes eating out super hard but it has been such a good re-set and I already feel like a million times better.



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