
Soaking in the Start of the Third Trimester in Miami Beach

Last week, we got the chance to get away for just a few days and soak in a little Miami sun. It was such a gift to enjoy a little baby moon before this little girl shows up and everything changes. I have reached the 3rd trimester- the beginning of the end of this pregnancy! I can’t even believe it. With all the craziness of the holidays, this pregnancy feels like it is just flying by. 

I feel like I got really lucky in the second trimester. I generally felt pretty good and there were a lot of days that I could totally forget that I was pregnant. However, somedays I had really bad round ligament pain that totally knocked me out. I would have to sit down and just wait it out, the stretching pains would hurt so much. But even that pain was such a welcome relief from the all consuming exhaustion I felt in the first trimester. During my first trimester, I felt more exhausted than I had ever felt in my entire life. I felt so tired that sometimes I could literally not keep my eyes open. I would have to nap that very minute. If I was driving, it was almost like I needed to pull over to the side of the road, I felt that tired type of feeling. But that all disappeared in the second trimester and I could finally make it through the day without having to take a nap or without falling fast asleep at 8:30 pm.

Pregnancy bump update

When I hit 27 weeks, suddenly I felt my little burrito bump pop out and announce herself to the world. Before week 27 I just looked bloated and it was hard to really tell if I was pregnant or had eaten a large lunch. Then week 27 came around and finally my bump popped! It literally happened overnight and has been growing bigger every single day now. I honestly had really been waiting and hoping for that moment! It was so much fun to have people in Miami finally feel comfortable asking if I was pregnant. My little bump is finally bigger than my ever growing boobs which is really a welcome relief. Those pregnancy boobs are truly no joke! I have been so used to being flat chested most of my life, they totally caught me off guard! 

I think I really thought I had a lot of time to get everything ready before  week 28. Then week 28 hit and suddenly it feels like everything is happening so fast! She is going to be here before we even know it and there is still so much left on my list to do and enjoy in this season. I really want to make sure I soak it all in before she arrives.

My very favorite part of this whole experience is hearing her little heartbeat at my doctor’s appointments. The fact that I get the chance to carry another little heart beat around within me is just the most incredible thing I have ever experienced. It is such a holy gift from God. It is almost too much to really comprehend sometimes. I really don’t do much and she just grows bigger every day. Her life is so clearly from God and He is so in control of her arrival and entry into this world. 

This little girl has no idea how lucky she got to have Matt as her father! He is going to be such a strong, sensitive, loving, protective dad. I can’t wait to see how well he will love her.

I have finally reached the point where I need that giant pregnancy pillow to sleep at night! I just bought one and am hoping that it will do wonders for my pregnancy sleep discomfort. The pillows are hilariously big and goofy looking, but right now there is literally nothing I would not try if it allowed me to sleep soundly through the night!

I worked out pretty well and consistently most of my second trimester. Yoga was completely out of the question for me after my first trimester. I wish I had done a better job trying to find a prenatal yoga studio out in the suburbs but we were so busy moving that it just did not happen. I could still run/walk/run/walk up until about week 25. Then I reached a point where that got too uncomfortable and now I just walk for 45 minutes on the treadmill on a steep incline or use the stair master. I hope to keep that up for as long as possible. So many women have advised me to work out as much as possible during pregnancy because it helps your post-pregnancy recovery.

Love any chance to get away and just enjoy my favorite person 🙂 

My dress is from Pink Blush