
Rebuild, Restore, Renew

Arizona3-61“They will rebuild the ancient ruins

and restore the places long devastated;

they will renew the ancient cities

that have been devastated for generations.” Isaiah 61:4

I came across this verse this past weekend and it hit me so deeply. I can barely breathe sometimes reading it. What tremendous hope? Can you even believe that this is in the Bible? God tells us that He will rebuild, restore and renew places in our lives that have been devastated for generations.

I have seen such deep hurts in my own life redeemned by Jesus. I do not just intellectually know that this is true but my heart feels it. God has used my brokenness to make himself powerful and in turn has made my confidence in this truth unshakable.

Broken people are powerful. Broken people have experienced and know that God will do what He said he would.

There is no one else who can do this. Only Jesus restores the places in our hearts that feel like they have been devastated and will be for generations. No more bitterness. No more hopelessness. Jesus died on a cross so that we might have a direct relationship with God, who as a result of Jesus’s death, listens to us and comforts us.

Practically, this means that while I am not excused from the consequences of my actions it means that through God’s grace He is working all things together for my good. Even the bad WILL become good.

In Prayer, Timothy Keller says:

“Prayer is the way to experience a powerful confidence that God is handling our lives well, that our bad things will turn out for good, our good things cannot be taken from us and the best things are yet to come.”

Praying that we will specifically lay those places in our lives and hearts that feel hopeless before Jesus and that we would expectantly thank him for what he will do with our ancient ruins.

I strongly, strongly believe that my past brokenness is some of the most beautiful parts of my life and my story. Through it I have a confidence in Christ that I would not have but for those ancient ruins. Broken people are powerful, they have lived through the worst and trust God’s redemption.

Praying that God will rebuild, restore and renew those places in your life and heart that are ruins.

He WILL do what He promised and you WILL emerge with an unshakable assurance of His goodness.